Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The greatest miracle; 2 years since the start, last Saturday in the field

“Saving souls.”(a mission motto that we were able to make this transfer) 
President and Sister McClure
The last moments of my mission. Please enjoy. 

1/23 Tuesday 
I woke up this morning knowing that we had zone conference, and then dinner at the Hayashi’s tonight, and felt that this might be the most important day of my mission, and life up to this point. Zone Conference went really well. It was a great last Zone conference. This round of Zone conferences I really learned to understand what the power and authority of our call really means, and the magnitude of the potential that a missionary can have to be a tool in the hands of God. 
We spent about an hour with Masahiro and Miki on video chat and the missionaries really taught them with power, and we gave them set times to teach set things, and then gave them set times to just practice the teaching skill “Listen” and then gave them 1 and a half minutes to just practice “Testifying” it was powerful and The Spirit was very strong. We asked Masahiro and Miki to bear their testimonies, which kind of threw them off, especially Masahiro, but through working with them a little bit, they complied and shared really cool feelings. Masahiro at first said that he didn’t have a testimony and I told him that he does and he ended up sharing his thoughts and within them there were some really big pointers that he was starting to recognize his testimony, despite his resistance. 

We travelled home from Muroran and it was a crazy blizzard! Fortunately President drove, but it was super intense and so we had to go really slow. It was pretty intense. We finally got back and picked up the temple missionary couple; the Clarkson’s and brought them to dinner at the Hayashi family’s. It was crazy because in this storm there was intense thunder and lightning, as it was snowing, which is super rare. We got to their house, and president kumagai was there with his wife. Apparently they had a really good conversation with them for about 20 minutes before we were able to get there. So we switched with them because they had to leave. We started eating dinner, which was really good, and then the children started playing in another room and so we were able to really have a powerful lesson with us, the Hayashi parents, the Clarkson couple, and Masahiro and Miki. It was super intense. Many experiences and promises were shared about the priesthood and about faith. It was wonderful. I tried to listen more, especially to The Spirit, and talk less. It was amazing to see the Spirit work on him. Sister Klarkson told him that the feeling that he had about not being ready or good enough to be baptized, was from only one influence, and that influence was not Heavenly Father! It was very strong, and seemed to help him recognize where his opposition was coming from. We talked more about the priesthood, and explained that if he would like a priesthood blessing in order to help to know what God wanted for him, we could give him one. He said that he would like one, and Brother Hayashi just became his home teacher and so it seemed like it would be great for him to give him the blessing, a lot of pressure in this moment. But Masahiro asked who loved him the most, kind of as a joke, but of course I was like, “well that would be me!’” And so he said, “yeah, konoba, you do it.” So now I had a little it of a panic attack, because this was potentially the most important blessing that I could give in my life, if it could help the Spirit to touch his heart and have a change and a desire to be baptized. So I went to the bathroom and prayed aloud, and cried and begged God to give the the power of the Spirit and to know what to say, to be guided and to be able to give the words that the Lord was willing to give, not more, and not less. I had just been teaching in each Zone conference about the power and authority of our call, and this was the moment of truth, I really needed to access the power of the Priesthood and of the call of a missionary. Miki gave a beautiful prayer and then the four of us laid our hands upon his head and gave him a blessing. It was one the most powerful moment of my mission. I felt the love, power and the depth of God, and of the Priesthood. I felt what I needed to say, and I was able to take myself out of the picture. I remember that in the blessing one of the things that he was blessed that his doubts and fears would flee, and that he would have peace. After the blessing he shared his feelings and expressed his gratitude and said that he had seen and heard what he needed to, and now he just needed to work through things within himself. It was a little bit difficult, because as he was saying that he was kind of cutting off the opportunity to challenge him to be baptized. The strong climax of the Spirit passed, and I hadn’t been able to ask challenge him to be baptized yet. The kids came back, we did a super fast mini FHE lesson and then had dessert. I was talking with Miki and consulted with her a little bit about what we should do. She told me that she had felt that she needed to share her feelings with Masahiro this morning, and so she told him about how she feels that we need to do the things that we feel that we need to do, now, because we don’t know when we will die, and so she can’t wait forever. He had apparently gotten frustrated, and so Miki san wasn’t sure at this point what would be best to do. As we talked, I considered maybe waiting until the next day to challenge him, but I also felt that he needed to be challenged today, so it was a challenging decision. Masahiro and I started talking quietly on the couch, and he made a subtle comment that “we had something on Saturday right?” I looked at him and said “what are you talking about”. He said, “that’s why you said we couldn’t go over to Sister Clarkson’s on Saturday night, right?” I felt the Spirit rush over me, and I looked at him, said, “Masahiro, will you follow Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the proper authority? As I extended this commitment, him and I looked eyes, and then he said with confidence, that one word, that he had been so determined to not say, “yes.” “Hai” I could literally feel the heavens open and the angels rejoice. To me, this moment was the same as seeing the dead risen, or the blind’s sight restored, I could feel that God had worked a real, and powerful miracle, and witnessing that has and will change my life forever. 
We called the daughter over, and Elder Satou asked Yui chan if she wanted to get baptized with her mom and dad on Saturday. She shyly was super happy and very excited. For the next few hours, and as I tried to sleep this night, I almost couldn’t believe what I had witnessed. It was like a dream, but it was real, and it was a miracle. 

1/24 Wednesday 
Today we worked on Transfers, and then we met the Yoneta’s and reviewed all of the commandments and a few of the principles in chapter 5 of pmg. We committed them to keep each of the commandants, and reviewed the baptismal interview questions. We found out that we would need to have President McClure do the interviews, and so that was a little bit of pressure for them, but probably actually really a great experience. 

1/25 Thursday
Miki sent us a message early in the morning saying that her sins were too heavy and that she was not qualified to be baptized; she said that she didn’t even want to be interviewed. I kind of had a minor heart attack, and we had to finish a staff meeting before we could contact her, and at first she wouldn’t respond, and then didn’t want to talk on the phone; so we decided that we’d better send her a video, and so we made a video explaining what the purpose of the baptismal interview was, and told her what President told us to about him being really nice, and that the point of him doing the interview, was for her to really understand foreignness, and how clean she can become when she gets baptized. We were able to get her to talk on the phone, and had a good conversation. She really perked up, and seemed to have overcome her challenge. She said that she had stopped crying and had prayed, and was able to feel peace. She came to the interview and seemed to radiate with light. I was fortunate to be able help President McClure in the interview, with translation, where he needed it. It was really special to be able to witness her readiness and worthiness to be baptized. She was able to pass her interview, and Yui chan had her interview with Elder Anderson, and she of course passed as well. Now we just had to make it through masahiro’s interview tonight. We came back to the mission home after english class, and Masahiro was interviewed by President McClure as well. We waited for a while, and it was fun talking with Miki san, but the longer it got, the more nervous I became. Then they came out though and he had passed, and President just said how much of a stud he is, and said that he asked really good questions. Such an incredible miracle that he has been able to really obtain a testimony and to be willing to commit to live the standards of the Gospel. God is so good. We finished all the plans for the baptism and we wanted members to do everything, but they had already talked about who they wanted to baptize them, and so we compelled to their desires, and I was to baptize Masahiro and miki, and Satou choro would baptize Yui chan. We asked for the members help for everything else. I love the Yoneta family so much. They are like my Japanese immediate family. I am sure that I knew them before this life, and I am so grateful to have been able to be one of God’s tools in helping them to return back to Him. 

1/26 Friday 
Today we finished transfer planning. We did a video chat with yoneta’s and that was great. 

1/27 Saturday
2 years ago today I entered the MTC and started the experience that would change me forever. 

Tonight the Yoneta family was indeed able to be baptized. It was beautiful, and an incredible faith strengthener. Masahiro led his family by being baptized first, and then Miki and then Yui. This is the first whole family, where a mom and a dad that can look to being sealed in the temple has been baptized in at least the last 3 years. It was the start of what we truly believe will start to be more and many. 
All 3 of them bore there testimony’s and it was so awesome to feel of their power, and to see the great change that had truly happened inside of them. Masahiro made everyone laugh and was super powerful and moving with his testimony. He will be a powerful priesthood leader, a few years down the road. 

1/28 Sunday 
Today The Yoneta family was confirmed. It was beautiful. The ward loves them so much, and it is so awesome to see how much they have changed and gotten so excited about missionary work! Today Masahiro was also able to receive the priesthood, at the level of a priest. President had this idea of helping them be able to go to the temple before I leave, and so they aimed for that, and got their interviews for temple recommends. 

1/31 Wednesday 
I went over to the temple by myself, with president’s approval, and got to be baptized by Masahiro for names that Miki had found earlier today with us. I also got to see Masahiro baptize his wife. I could feel the power of God work through him, and I felt that he had truly become a man of God. He spoke the words with authority and power and it was such a rewarding and blessed experience. So blessed. Only recently because of the change that priests can baptize in the temple, was this made possible. After that I switched off confirming them with Brother Hayashi, one of my heroes. It was sacred and very special. I know that God has a specific plan for His children. He uses us to move his plans forward, and we get to experience joy in the process; God’s work is beautiful. 

Elder Conover

Elder Graham, Yuta Fuse (family friend), Elder Conover on his way home!

such great dendo fire!

Hello Family and Friends,

I hope you enjoy this report of what happened a couple weeks ago. This is the first of 3 letters that I will be sending. 

1/16 Tuesday
Today we had a really awesome Zone Conference. I felt the fire big time in Odori zone. Elder Graham, Elder Akamatsu, Sister Morita, and many other awesome missionaries and great friends. I was able to add an arm wrestling activity into my portion of the zone conference demonstrating with a skinny person and a strong person, and having the skinny person take off his name tag, easily loses. Then gave him his name tag back and now with the help of someone strong, easily wins. With the power of our calling and the help that the spirit provides, it becomes possible to win. When we learn through the spirit to teach and testify with converting power then people will be able to feel the Spirit, change, and decide to follow Jesus Christ. 
Once again in this zone conference we were able to have the Yoneta family participate by video call for about 45 minutes and we had the missionaries practice teaching certain principles and practice testifying, but not with other missionaries, with real investigators, so it was another really great powerful experience with them. “Saving souls”, our new mission slogan is something that is really nice and simple to help us remember what we are doing, and what the goal of this work is: To Save Souls. That is God’s work. When we testify we are throwing our all into the battle for this person’s salvation. People’s faith is increased by hearing the testimony’s of people with faith. So when we testify and the stronger our testimony is, the more the people that hear our testimony, can be strengthened in their own faith in Jesus Christ. 

After zone conference we came back to Atsubetsu, and tonight Miyu chan, who we had known back in toyohira a year ago got baptized! It was a crazy coincidence, (But of course God’s plan) that Miyu is actually the yoneta mom’s daughter from her first marriage. Miyu is 28 years old, and decided that she had better be baptized towards the last minute, as she is going to canada this Friday. She is already connected with members in Canada, and was able to develop and gain a strong testimony quickly. Miki san, her mom, felt that maybe Miyu would get baptized first and then they could get baptized after, so that Masahiro, her husband could see her baptism, and maybe it would help him to not be so against baptism. (Apparently just the word baptism made grown him angry.) 

But she got baptized and the first missionaries that she ever met was Elder Graham and Elder Bede, she was their Recent convert’s friend and became a referral. She loves Elder Graham and it worked out that Elder Graham was able to come and baptize her! So awesome! It was a beautiful service and such a crazy miracle. I decided after we ate lunch for Zone Conference that I wanted to fast for Masahiro, that his heart would be softened at this baptismal service, so that he might be able to desire to not only allow his wife and 8 year old daughter to be baptized, but to actually desire baptism for himself. I asked Elder Satou if he would also want to fast, and he said that he would, and so we fasted and really prayed for him as the baptismal service happened. 

 1/17 Wednesday 
Today we were able to go to the Yoneta’s at night and talk with them about the baptismal service. We asked how they felt, and their answers were wonderful. We talked about the Holy Ghost, and we used the arm wrestle example, and I had Elder Satou and Masahiro Arm wrestle; super fun and funny. Masahiro shared that he realized through seeing the baptism last night, that baptism definitely wasn’t a bad thing, but that he still had a lot of resistance and opposition in him, so he still couldn’t do it himself yet. He also was still not sure if this church was truly the right one, he knew it wasn’t bad, but he still had a hard time believing in God, and in being okay with keeping the commandments. 
He talked about how he was thinking about it, and about how he figured that if he was going to do it then it would be better to do it before I go home, but he counted the days on his fingers and realized that in order for that to happen, he would have to decide by around next Tuesday, for it to be possible. So he basically told me not to have any expectation and that it probably wasn’t realistic. We reviewed with him that I don’t want him to get baptized for me, and so it might not be able to while I am here, but then promised him that if he would really pray from his heart everyday then God would make some things happen, and the opposition within him could go away, if he would really pray everyday and read the Book of Mormon with a searching heart, then God would provide an answer to his prayer, and it would become realistic for him to be baptized. He committed to do it. 

1/18 Thursday 
While praying last night, I felt that Masahiro needed a baptismal date that he could kind of envision in the case that he were to actually receive his answer and if his opposition were to subside. I felt that we should go to his work; he works at a car dealership as a consultant for people who bought cars from the dealership. We made this little wallet size card with a picture of the first vision and on the back Moroni 10:4-5; laminated on card-stock for him to often read and see. We also bought bread from a bakery to bring to his work as an excuse for why we came. ;) We got there and fortunately he was really happy to see us! He said that by chance it was not busy at all and he sat us down at a table to talk. We brought up the idea of a day to be able to visualize in order to exercise more faith. He was pretty unsure about it, but he agreed with a strong IF something big happens. I told him that I was looking at it at about a 50% chance, and that seemed okay to him. While looking at the calendar is looked like the only possible time was next Saturday, the 27th, and then that he could probably take of work on Sunday the 28th.

We challenged him to tell his wife that he was going to try and visualize this day and prepare for it, and he said that he would. 
We left his work feeling like we had accomplished what we needed to, and then we went to Asahikawa with President and Sister McClure for Zone conference tomorrow, and interviews today. I talked to Miki on the phone and I guess Masahiro wasn’t the most thrilled that we made a date to think about because he doesn’t like deadlines, and he had already told us that, and this feels a little bit like a deadline, but then she talked about how at the same time he was grateful and she is so awesome because she always thinks that whatever we do is what needed to be done. She started crying on the phone a few times, because after becoming so close with me as a family, it will be really hard for me to go back to America, even though we will stay in contact, I am going to have a hard time saying goodbye to this family. I don’t want to look back and regret anything, and so I want to give every ounce of my heart might mind and strength in helping the yoneta family to make the step of being baptized, and if I do everything that I can, then I won’t regret, but I feel that if I do everything that I can, then there is a possibility that they can be baptized. 

1/19 Friday 
Today we had a wonderful Zone Conference in Asahikawa. 
After Zone conference I drove us back and then we quickly went to Eniwa exchange with the zone leaders. I picked up Elder Yagi and we came back to work here in Atsubetsu. We were able to make an appointment with the Yoneta’s saying that I wanted hem to meet Elder Yagi, so it was a little bit late, but we were able to meet them at 8:20ish. Masahiro wasn’t being to talkative and seemed to be in deep thought. Miki san did a lot of the talking for him. As we were talking they referenced how it was really impactful to hear convert stories, which there were a few shared at the baptism, during the changing time. I told them that we would try to set something up to meet some of those members. We talked about repentance and Masahiro tried to pull a fast one by saying that he is a good person and that he doesn’t have any sins. lol. Or at least he chooses to not recognize/ignore his sins. He is half joking, but also a little bit serious. I challenged him to pray tonight to ask God if he could be forgiven of his sins. He agreed that he would. (Hopefully he can start to actually recognize them as well.;)) 

1/20 Saturday 
Today splits with Elder Yagi was really fun. He is awesome and has such great dendo fire! I wanted to set up something with some of the strong convert couples, and so I consulted with Brother Nishihara and we decided that the Fuji couple and the Nishida couple, would be great. So I called them and tried to set something up for if possible even tonight. Miraculously The Fuji couple said that they could and provided the idea that we go to this cool restaurant, because there was not time to make food and eat at their home. So I contacted the Yoneta’s and they said that they could come! The only worry was that Masahiro was at a busy time in his work and so he might not be able to get there on time, and we were meeting at 7:30, so already pretty late, but Miki just said that we need to pray that he could get off earlier than expected. She is amazing, truly understands the prayer of faith and expects her prayers to be answered.  

We were able to go to this psychology, Choice theory, class for our language study. It is a class that members around Sapporo come to, about 10 people or so, and they learn about psychology things. It was such a fun experience and I learned a lot! 

We switched companions again so I was back with Elder Satou, and it worked out that we were barely able to switch in time to make it to the restaurant by just at touch before 7:30, such a blessing! But actually the yoneta’s exactly according to miki’s faith were able to be there by 7:15, and were able to get seats. We asked them how Masahiro got off his work so early and apparently this is the earliest that he has almost every gotten home! He got home before 7! I guess that his work had released the whole staff at 5 to go and see the car show, which was not the plan, so he went for a bit to the car show, and then came home. Super awesome. The Fuji’s were wonderful. They shared their conversion experience, and they talked about the word of wisdom and tithing, and the difficulties of those things while they were investigating the church. The Fuji couple really said some things that Masahiro needed to hear. Miki told us that Yui chan had a school band concert on, not the next Sunday, but the one after, and so Yui chan wouldn’t be able to come! This was a little bit of a wrench in our plan to have them all be confirmed on that Sunday! I asked her how bad it would be if Yui chan didn’t go. She said that it might not be the worst, if it was for something important. I encouraged her to see about changing that. She laughed and agreed. We shared President Eyring’s Prophecy about Japan, and it was really cool to see the gears working in Masahiro’s head. He can feel that this will be something that will grow, he just isn’t sure if he can be on the early end of this big growth. It was a wonderful evening, filled with testimony, experience, and passion. This is the ultimate battle between God and Satan for this wonderful family, and both forces are working very strong. Masahiro just has to understand the light and be willing to make the step towards God, despite the opposition, and then resistance, and price within him. I love the Yoneta family. They are my Japanese parents, and Yui chan is like my Japanese little sister. I feel like I have with other converts, that I was sent to Japan to meet them. For me, and for them. 

1/21 Sunday
Church was wonderful. I actually gave a talk, because I only have one Sunday left after this. I hadn’t had any time to prepare really; I had only been informed on Tuesday after the baptism, but I took some time this morning and put together a talk wth the basics of all the things that I have learned about faith, and I decided to use “poison” my miracle butterfly story from when I was in Toyohira, as an example of faith vs. doubt. haha it was really funny. 
We have a desire which naturally leads to action and when we act we have to act with an expectation that our action will fulfill the desire that we had. 

Desire—>Act—>Expect. If we want to know if God lives, that is as desire. We act, but if we just act, then we will not satisfy our desire. We have to act with a strong expectation, belief, knowing feeling, that when we pray (act) our desire to know if God lives (desire) will actually be able to be satisfied, because we will receive the answer that we are already feeling in our heart, believing and expecting that we will receive (Expect). This is the principle of asking in faith. This is the principle of exercising faith. Through this principle we access the power of heaven, because faith is a principle of Action and POWER. The power aspect comes from when we exercise faith, and the power of God becomes active, and he uses our faith to do His work. It is His miracle, our faith. 

Tonight we had a multi family curry night that we have every month, and Brother Nishida was able to come and share his testimony and experience with Masahiro. It was another powerful night, and another round of punches against masahiro’s walls of resistance and opposition about being baptized. He committed that he would recognize his sins and we talked thoroughly about the process of repentance. Repentance is such a beautiful thing. 

As we were all putting on our coats I told Masahiro that I was going to ask him a question on Tuesday night. (We have a member meal/lesson with them with the Hayashi family scheduled for Tuesday night.) The question that I was going to ask him was: “Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of God?” I asked him “Will you prepare yourself to answer that question on Tuesday night?”He answered with a committed “yes”, but with some comments about how the answer may not be yes, at least not yet, but he would prepare himself to be asked that question on that night. Wonderful night, the miracles are happening, and I think that Masahiro’s heart is changing. 

1/22 Monday  
Today we had our Zone activity before we came to Muroran for our last Zone conference. It was really fun. We created our own hole for basically a mini golf course in the church, then we played the course of 12 holes with the person who we made it with. It was a really good activity. I got pied, which is a tradition when missionaries are on their last transfer. Their companion gets to pie them and it’s quite the ordeal. Sister Koyama also got pied, which was super funny, because she didn’t want to get pied at all.  

We called the Yoneta’s tonight, and Miki san told us that she had talked Yui Chan’s teacher and told her that they wanted to keep Sunday’s sacred, and so they weren’t going to be able to participate in school activities and events that are on Sunday. The teacher was very understanding, and said that that would be okay! And so she was able to be off for her concert on this Sunday, which became a sudden big problem with the plan/hope that they would be confirmed on Sunday. Such great faith, and a great miracle with Yui chan’s school. 

Elder Conover

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Ascent of the Yonetas

I am sorry that my letters have been few and that they have become more a record of what is happening. I am trying to catch up, and too many wonderful things are happening, and I don’t want to forget, so unfortunately my emails have become more like a broad journal. Please feel free to skim, and to look at the pictures. I love you so much!!! 

12/12 Tuesday 
Today we had the last Zone conference of the transfer; Hakodate Zone. There are 5 missionaries that are finishing their missions and going home, which is really sad. One of those five missionaries is my MTC companion, Elder Hess. I have loved talking about passion and learning about consecration from President McClure during this round of zone conferences. He used a talk that has really shaped my mission. “Becoming a Consecrated missionary.” We took sister Lafaele Back to the Mission home with us because her mom was coming to pick her up a little bit early for her sisters wedding. Tonight my stomach was really upset because I drink too much orange juice and we ate too much fast food while we were on the road.So I went to bed early tonight and then I woke up at 11:30pm and threw up. I think that’s the first time that I’ve thrown up on the mission. But my stomach was just really upset and after I threw up I felt good and had no trouble with being sick anymore.

12/13 Wednesday
Today we did transfer planning, it is fun to create and work through the struggles to know what God’s plan is. This pretty much took all day. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with President McClure and Elder Satou. 
That is mostly what we worked on for Thursday and Friday this week as well. 

12/15 Friday 
Tonight we were able to go out to eat with the Yoneta family, including Miyu chan, the older daughter of Miki san. It was super awesome. We talked a lot about faith, and about why we as members live the kind of lifestyle that we live, etc. I actually ended up explaining patriarchal blessings to them, and it was cool how interested they were in those blessings. Miki san talked about how she isn’t quite sure that she has really received an answer to her prayer, and so we are trying to work with her on that. Such an amazing family, and such a blessing to be working with them. Masahiro is still being pretty stubborn, but we have faith that he will change. 

12/16 Saturday 
Today we planned and talked about the Christmas mission conference next Thursday, on transfer day. It is going to be quite the event. Elder Von forell is going to be running the food, and he is going all out. 

12/17 Sunday 
Today was Rigby shimai’s last Sunday here in Atsubetsu, so that is crazy that she is going to go home! The yoneta’s all came to church again, which was so great! Masahiro seemed to actually enjoy church and doesn’t as tense anymore. I love having investigators at church. 

12/18 Monday 
Today dying missionaries came to honbu, Henry went out to lunch to eat sushi. There are seven sisters and elder Hess that are going home. Sister Hackett and sister Rigby and of course Elder Hess, have been really good friends on the mission, and it is sad to see them go home. Because of Christmas they are going home on Tuesday instead of going home on Friday the way most missionaries do. Because they were early we didn’t actually give them their last sentimental transfer call, so while we were eating sushi I called them while sitting across the booth and gave them their transfer calls, because those two sisters really wanted it. Tonight we had the sukiyaki  dinner and the testimonies for the missionaries going home. I gave some personal training that they wanted on transitioning into normal life, so that was fun and weird to think about. I love coaching people and thinking about potential for great things. 

12/19 Tuesday 
This morning I drove Elder Hess, Sister Rigby and Sister Hackett to the airport. President McClure drove the other missionaries going home. It wasn’t the most fun to say goodbye to the, at the airport. I am really happy that we also got new missionaries tonight, because I could end transfer week with new missionaries awesome fresh fire, night expectations and strong desires. I love new missionaries. The group that we picked up today is really sharp. Just 2 elders and 2 sisters, but super powerful missionaries; leaders, and very determined, with great faith. 
We ate ramen with them with the Tonkatsu in it at the airport, the way we always do with new missionaries. I love that tradition. So fun. We got back in better time today; excited for tomorrow. 

12/20 Wednesday 
Today we did training for the new missionaries. We took them out to sushi for their first time ever really, which is always really fun. Then we came back and had the “meet your trainer” meeting. It was really fun. President gave some really great trainings and we were able to add some thoughts as well. This transfer we have only English speaking new missionaries, and so we didn’t need translation which was nice. We all ate gyudon for dinner prepared by a member in the mission home, then we had more training and a really awesome testimony meeting. I know that this church is true. I know that this work really God’s work. 

12/21 Thursday 
Today was the big Christmas devotional, and transfer day. Tons of pictures and so I don’t think I need to say much. Amazing food, musical numbers, and testimonies. It was pretty intense getting everyone into places, because we couldn’t afford to lose really any time and so there was a lot of pressure to move things quickly. It was very fun to have the mission all together right at the start of my last transfer. There are So many wonderful friends that I have been able to make on the mission. It was crazy to see how talented the missionaries are here today. Seriously the musical talent is unbelievable. Missionaries sometimes really struggle to succeed here, but it was good to see and recognize that these missionaries are all really successful at what they have done, and they do the things that they know how to do, really well. Sister Koyama, who I worked with in Toyohira for 6 months, transferred to Atsubetsu! When we were planning transfers, that was way beyond my hopes for who would come to this area. She is an incredible missionary, and it is also her last transfer, so we will die in the same area, and have the Christmas and New Years time in the same area, again! Tonight the Yoneta’s came to eikaiwa and we really had fun, then we sang Christmas songs for them; it was great.

12/23 Saturday
Today we went Christmas Caroling with the Nishihara Family. It was super awesome. They had a list of 20 families/people they wanted to carol to. We didn’t meet everyone but Were able to sing to a lot of investigators and part member family’s, or less actives. Then after we finished caroling, we went to meet someone that they wanted to introduce to us. The man that they wanted us to meet runs an okonomiyaki restaurant, so the Nishihara’s were so nice and fed us dinner there. Food was really good and he was so funny. We were able to talk a lot about the gospel and explain a lot of the things that we believe, he doesn’t have very much interest, but was willing to think and learn more, very funny guy; lots of spirit. Such an awesome day. 

12/24 Sunday 
Christmas Eve! Today Miki and Yui came to church and it was only sacrament meeting so we had some time to talk afterwards, and just in the chapel we talked about why we should get baptized, and she really seemed to get it. She has started to really want to be baptized and understand the value of baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. 
We went with President McClure to a rest home to visit a member. This member has cancer and was very sick. Never married, and so she doesn’t really have any family. We went and sang to her and she was so happy. It was really great to feel the spirit of the season through sharing some cheer with her. 
After that we went and did more caroling today, and had a meal with the Okano family, which was super nice, they are such funny awesome members. 

12/25 Monday 
CHRISTMAS!!! Today was an awesome day. We woke up and opened packages, and our presents from the ward, which there was a lot; so nice! I felt so loved and really loved the things that I received for Christmas. Thank you all so much!! Christmas last year was a little sad, but this year it was really fun, and not so sad, because I am going to be going home in not too long. I wanted to spend time with the people I love here, and fortunately Miki and Yui were able to go eat lunch together. It was really nice. It was so fun to just be with them on Christmas. 
Tonight we had our family home evening here at honbu. It was really special on Christmas Day. I got to spend time with Elder Graham once again on Christmas Day this year, so that was awesome. The whole yoneta family came again tonight, which was super fun. They are such characters, especially Masahiro. He uses really hard Japanese on purpose, and then when I don’t understand he gives another word that has a similar meaning or another phrase and it is even harder! He thinks he’s hilarious. It was a wonderful Christmas. 

Elder Conover

Shuichi came to visit me!! And he came to church on Sunday with us!!

The Yoneta Family

Hello Family and Friends, 

Here is the report of what happened here from Dec. 5-Dec. 11. Sorry I’m still so far behind. 

12/5 Tuesday 
Today we had Zone conference in for the Odori Zone! It went great. Elder Akamatsu, elder Graham, and Sister Hackett, are all long time mission friends in this zone. It was great to be with them, and really nice to have Elder Akamatsu’s help with translation. The relief society made lunch for us, which was so pretty and such good food. Miki san asked us if we could meet with Masahiro today, and then they asked if we would also go eat sushi with them at Toriton! We left Zone conference in a rush to meet Masahiro, Miki and Nishihara at the temple, where we were teaching them a lesson. It was a major blizzard, and it was pretty scary, driving in that kind of weather. We made it though and had a great talk with Masahiro and he was willing to accept the commitment to really investigate for himself whether or not this church is true. Then we went to eat sushi with them, which was super fun. They picked up Yui, on the way and we all ate sushi, and talked. I talked to Masahiro about the idea that sometimes where everyone might take the option of being last, and of “sacrificing” the real selfless thing to do, may occasionally ironically be to take first, or be first. He liked that, and talked about how he is like that, then I talked about how everyone is just waiting for someone else to talk about and take the religion thing, but really everyone is just putting it off, so the strong chooser people need to enter to show others that they can also think about it. It was such a great day. 

12/6 Wednesday 
Today we travelled to Kushiro. As we were traveling, I picked President McClure’s brain about faith and we had a really awesome conversation. Faith is a principle of power, through faith the power of heaven is unlocked. Faith is a belief in and an assurance in the unknown future. Faith expects, and really knows that an outcome will come from an action carefully carried out. Very interesting thoughts about faith, but faith truly is a power, and it is through faith that miracles are brought to pass.At Kushiro we taught a lesson to Miki and Yui chan on line video chat. It was really great. They are so prepared and solidly progressing. We had the bean showers and a pizza dinner with the zone and president started interviews. At 8pm we started our leadership meeting and that went really well. I love being able to talk and work with the zone and district leaders of a single zone. It is so rewarding to watch leaders see their potential and really decide to try to magnify it. Tonight an Elder who I came to Japan with, but had come before that once and had to go home or his heart, and then after coming with me, had to go home once again for a virus, and then he was able to come back again!  talked for a little bit into the night and it really kept me up.
He is super awesome, but I really need my sleep for translating, so fortunately we were able to get to sleep in decent time, but it was still difficult to translate the next day.

12/7 Thursday 
Today we had some conference. This has been a really good round of Zone conferences. I love helping people to feel more passion and to really work to accomplish their goals. Also becoming consecrated is one of the most important things in missionary work. After Zone conference we headed home and. I had a really awesome conversation with President McClure! We talked about anointing and special things, and about some things that not many people know, we also talked about the organization of the church and the connection between President Gay, our area president, and mitt Romney. It was really cool. Oh we also talked about the power of prayer and what power prayer has. I love the depth and importance of prayer. We got back home safely from Kushiro p, about a 4.5 hour drive, ready to go to bed. 

12/8 Friday 
Today we were invited by Miki all of a sudden to go and eat Okinawa soba with her, and so went and it was so delicious! The pork kind Of meet in it has really soft bones because of the way that it has been boiled and so you just eat the bones too, they taste good, it is kind of like eating a gummy in a cylinder shape. It was really awesome to have that experience. After that we finally were able to switch with Toyohira ZL’s for splits, and as we were trying to solidify an appointment that we had, kouki and Yusuke kun showed up at the Toyohira church, they had heard that I was coming, and so they showed up. I really love those boys. We just taught them sitting there in the car, because we didn’t have keys to the church. We had some major real talk with them, shared the first vision again, talked about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and ended up asking them to be baptized, and we ended up being able to make a really good baptismal date for the 7th of January! It was great! Such a cool miracle! I hope that they will really take it seriously and except baptism. We went back to Atsubetsu and ended up getting invited to eat dinner at the Yoneta’s! It was a really good time with them, and we were able to have a really good discussion/lesson about faith, and priesthood blessings. I love the Yoneta family so much. They fed us this amazing curry, I really really liked it. Elder Bateman is gluten free, and so he actually couldn’t eat it, and so she just cooked up some pork and salmon on rice! So nice! I ended up having to eat his curry rice too, which was made me So full! After that we came back to the mission home and President told us that he had a surprise for us, and we went upstairs and Hirata shimai, my douki who went home a couple transfers ago, was there! It was so fun to see her! President and I talked about following the council of leaders, we have to really trust that the Lord will use the people who He has called, and know that we will be blessed for following their council. It was a wonderful night. 

12/9 Saturday
Today we had a lesson with Miki san and we were able to teach with the Nishihara parents about The word of wisdom. It was hard for her, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to give up tea and coffee, and the “healthy” amount of alcohol that she occasionally drinks. But she said that she would try it, and now, (a couple weeks down the road, she has completely committed to living the world of wisdom and has no problem with it.) 
After our lesson with her, we had the YSA face to face broadcast, which was a really fun time. Elder Ballard and Elder Oaks were hilarious! I love the apostles. Kouki kun and Yusuke kun came to the devotional! It was super awesome that they came. We went out to eat with them after, and it was really good to be with them after having known them for over a year and 4 months. Great blessings. Then we did some finding in the food court, and it was really good talking to people, we found a couple people that hopefully progress. 

12/10 Sunday 
Today was an intense Sunday. Miki san and yui chan came to church and all of her fellow-shippers brought different kinds of teas that are okay to drink, and we had a tea party. Then we had a really good lesson and made a new baptismal date for Christmas Eve, the 24th, but the only problem was that we had to get permission from Masahiro, and he wasn’t super happy last time. So we made this date with the faith and goal of him becoming more willing. Christmas Eve was also their wedding anniversary, so she actually thought that that would be really special, which I thought was really cool. Then that night Yui-chan asked Masahiro if he would get baptized with them on the 24. He got mad at her and asked if they had just decided without thinking, and it just wasn’t very good. Masahiro was a little sick and had been tired from work all day, and so the timing also wasn’t the best. With Masahiro getting frustrated like that the baptismal date of the 24th in just 2 weeks, kind of became unrealistic to the mom and we changed course. 

12/11 Monday 
Today we travelled to Muroran and I drove, which is always a fun experience to drive President and Sister McClure to Zone Conference. This evening we had our training meeting with the Hakodate zone’s Leaders, which was really cool. It was fun because right now all of their leaders are nihonjin except for one of the zone leaders in Eniwa, who replaced me with Elder Kikuchi, Elder Hess, my MTC companion. So because it was mostly Japanese it made the meeting a little bit different, and the Japanese a lot more intelligent, which is always cool. The missionary leaders are really starting to think and fortunately are starting to become more proactive, so that makes me have a lot of hope for the next period of time in the mission. 

I am loving Everyday. I know that this gospel is true. I know that light and happiness come from repentance and opening our hearts for the Savior to come in and fix us. I love you and am so grateful for all of your support and love. 

Love, Elder Conover 
Elder Conover